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Scripts for easy technical management of OpenCart

In this updated article, I am sharing scripts aimed at increasing the efficiency of working with the OpenCart engine and simplifying maintenance tasks. These scripts are primarily targeted towards developers, but advanced users can also benefit from them.

Important: All scripts are password protected, with the password located at the beginning of each file. Upon downloading, it is strongly recommended to change the password to your own. Remember to delete the files after completing your work.

Broken images finder

This script verifies if there are discrepancies between the file type, its exif metadata, and its file size.


Broken images finder (238 downloads )

Log Shortener

This script is designed to handle large OpenCart error logs. It shortens extensive error logs, groups errors, and arranges them by frequency. The user interface allows for easy error marking, with the marking state being saved even after page refresh. Upon refreshing the page, new errors are displayed and highlighted in a different color. Additionally, it is possible to connect multiple error logs at once.


Log shortener (100 downloads )

DOM statistics

This script is used for analyzing the DOM structure of a page. It displays the HTML code structure as a tree with statistics. It can sort the structure by code size (bytes), nesting level, and number of child elements.


DOM stats (99 downloads )

Modification Editor

This tool serves as an editor for okmod modifiers. It allows for editing multiple modifiers simultaneously and supports all modifiers, whether from the database or the system/library folder. It also shows the files modified by the modifier and enables searching by modifier code, with the ability to directly navigate to the desired line from all of theese sections. Code editor (Ace Editor) supports keybindings such as [Ctrl+S, Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+U].


Modification editor (79 downloads )


A script for checking and adding missing indexes to OpenCart tables. This significantly enhances the efficiency of SQL queries. After adding indexes, it optimizes the tables using the built-in ‘optimize table’ function.

The script will automatically use the login and password from the config.php file. If you move the script to a different directory or if the config.php file is missing, the script will prompt you to manually enter the login and password.

To use the script, upload it to the root directory of your site and run it using a browser. For example, you can access it at


Indexer (90 downloads )

PHP bash

This provides access to the terminal using PHP, featuring built-in commands such as:

  • “upload” for file uploads,
  • “ocfind” for content searches in files,
  • “octar” for creating tar archives without image directory,
  • “ocbom” for identifying files with the UTF-8 BOM symbol,
  • “ocdb” for displaying login/password from config.php,
  • “occube” for listing files encrypted by ioncube,
  • “ww” for word wrap,
  • “clear” for clearing the screen.

PHP bash (100 downloads )

Changes scanner

This script serves as a file modification scanner. It creates a snapshot of the current state of files upon the first launch, which is saved in a file (scan.json). When launched subsequently, it compares the snapshot with the current file system scan and displays any changes, such as new, modified, or deleted files.


Changes scanner (95 downloads )

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